Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Little About Me

Hey there, I had an idea. I know... I know... there she goes thinking again, right? Okay, well here it is, although there's some information about me in the 'about me' section, I thought it might be nice to share a little bit more... just so that people would know me better. So for those of you that may be interested...

My Guilty Pleasure: Chocolate chip cookies 
I will take chocolate chip cookies any day over cake, pie, candy and ice-cream, (although I enjoy those desserts, too).

Something I always keep in the fridge: Cheese - I put a slice on our sandwhiches. I add a little to my scrambled eggs when I make breakfast. I top off a cracker with it... the list goes on.

Something Romantic That I've Never Done Before: Kissed in the rain. Okay, you know how at the end of some movies, what happens when the main character finally realizes what an ignoramous he or she has been for allowing the greatest love of their life just let slip through their fingers? Of course, after the realization hits, he or she races across town like a thoroughbred horse at a  Kentucky derby to stop that person from boarding a plane that was a half a second away from heading out of the country. Not to mention, it's almost always raining, but once they reunite, they kiss and... it's the kiss of all kisses, (and no, I don't watch too many movies). Now, it doesn't count if you'share a quick peck on the lips when it's lightly drizzling, that will cause major romance points to be deducted. I mean no umbrella's, no rain coat, no shelter, you're soaking wet and it's just you and your significant other locking lips in the middle of a downpour. I've never experienced it, but I see it in movies all the time and... what can I say... I'm a hopeless romantic.

I enjoy finding pictures showing Great Decor...  I can drool over pictures like these all day.

The last book that made me cry: This is how it ends, by Kathleen MacMahon.

I make a mean pan of lasagna.... I don't mean to toot my own horn, but... Beep! Beep!

Favorite TV Show: The Walking Dead... Don't judge... LoL

A quote I really like:

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on." - Robert Frost

Until next time... Have a great day.


  1. Your blouse you showed for casual is very pretty and I wouldn't call it casual but sensual.

  2. Hi Dee! Thanks for commenting on my blog so i could come over and discover your blog! I like your style a lot, and I agree on chocolate chip cookies being the best and having a good cheese available at all time :)

    To answer your question: I'd be scared out of my wits to come across a mountain lion, bear or rattlesnake! Our community has it's own Rangers and they gave us leaflets telling us what to do if such an encounter occurred and the best way to avoid such confrontations. Most of the time those animals don't come down out of the hills onto our properties. We do have to use caution if hiking up into the foothills, however, and they advise going in groups and making noise as you hike which usually scars the bears and mountain lions away. As far as snakes, they advise watching where you step or place your hands if climbing. Also, snakes are only active in warmer weather. It's certainly a big change for me from NYC! :)

  3. Hi Dee,

    It was lovely to know something about you. Your blog is one of my favourites and I would like to give you my Liebster Award. Please pop over to for details.

    Be back soon,
